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The Fate of Paper in a Digital Age?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the fate of newspapers in an increasingly digital society. Just yesterday the Seattle Post-Intelligencer announced that it would be ceasing publication of its print edition, leaving only the version of the news available. This is just one example from what appears to be an increasingly prevalent trend of newspapers dropping their print forms in favor of a focus on online editions.

Yahoo! recently published a news article listing 10 major newspapers that are expected to either fold entirely or go digital in the near future. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer was on the list of expected digital conversions. Even The Washington Post, widely read outside it's regional area, has suffered due to the economic decline and has been working to shrink its paper edition.

Even law schools are caught up in the digital drama. The Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship has called upon law schools to cease publishing journals in paper form, and rely solely on distribution through online editions.

From BeSpacific; Legal Research Plus; BeSpacific; Law Librarian Blog