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Welcome Back! (Plus 10 Reminders About What the Law Library Can Do for You)

Welcome back to Moritz! Here are a few friendly law library reminders to get you started:
  1. You have 24-hour access to the law library with your BuckID.
  2. Westlaw no longer offers free printing. Lexis still offers free printing. Bloomberg never offered free printing.
  3. Printing in the law library is a couple of cents cheaper than printing elsewhere on campus.
  4. The Reference Desk is staffed 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 1 p.m.-5 p.m. on Sundays.
  5. Covered beverages are allowed in the law library.
  6. We have study aids galore. Choose print or audio versions to get a handle on the trickiest subjects.
  7. You can reserve study rooms at the circulation desk.
  8. We have tons of job hunt resources. From books about starting your own practice to résumé and writing books to data on employers, we can help.
  9. Not every research resource is online. Sometimes you'll only find what you need in print.
  10. That said, when you do make it in to look at the print resources, we periodically offer baked goods or candy at the Reference Desk to get you through the day.