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HeinOnline's New Collection: Animal Studies

The Moritz Law Library now has access to an eclectic new collection of legal and historical materials on HeinOnline: Animal Studies: Law, Welfare and Rights (off-campus access). With a specific focus on the emerging area of animal law, this collection brings together government documents, conference materials, and bibliographies related to the rights and welfare of animals, along with relevant laws, regulations, and legislative histories.

The subject matter of this collection has been conceived broadly, encompassing works not only on animals of the furry, feathered, and scaled variety, but also on the welfare, rights, and morality of our favorite species of featherless bipeds. Historic works by Schopenhauer, Darwin, and Descartes, among others, are also available in electronic format in this collection.

This is a valuable addition to our collection that will aid students and faculty researching the law and intellectual foundations of animal rights and welfare.