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Showing posts from August, 2016

Law Library Adds New Online Research Guides

The Moritz Law Library’s reference librarians and circulation staff are sadly not always available to answer questions about research or library services. Fortunately, you can always find helpful information and guidance on our many research guides available online at . The Moritz librarians have created these guides to bring together resources, materials, and databases relevant to particular areas of law or groups of library users. Over the summer, we added a number of new research guides, including the following: Law Student Services ( ) covers the research, circulation, and study support services available to Moritz law students. Election Law ( ) pulls together relevant sources and provides guidance on researching election law issues. Foreign and International Legal Research ( ) contains resources and

What’s New in the Moritz Law Library?

The law library made a number of improvements over the summer to enhance the study environment and services to law students, including: New chairs for the third floor study tables New energy-efficient lighting for all study carrels Erasable whiteboards now in all study rooms The reduction of printing costs to $.04/page A new arrangement in the library’s reserve room: Study aids and career-related books are now on the right when you enter, while treatises and Ohio material are now more spread out on the left. Regarding the study carrel lights, please remember to turn them off once you’ve finished studying. See the comment box at the front of the library if you have any suggestions related to the library facility or services. In the spring semester, the library plans to send out an online survey through which students can provide additional feedback. One more thing: you’ll see that the library’s research guides have a new look. More on these in an upcoming blog post.