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Workers' Compensation and Mental Health

The Ohio State Supreme Court recently ruled that "[a]n employee’s mental health claim is only covered by state workers’ compensation if it is related to a physical injury." To read more about the case, check out the Dispatch article on the decision. Unfortunately, this ruling may make some of our research resources here in the library out of date...even this 2012 Ohio workers' compensation CLE book!

So, what if this legal issue is pertinent to your practice but you haven't exactly been tracking it closely? How do you quickly and efficiently make sure you're citing "good law" in your briefs? Cite-checking with KeyCite or Shepard's is the basic method, but you can also streamline that process with Lexis's "Shepard's BriefCheck." Simply log in to Lexis classic, choose the "Get a Document" tab, and underneath the search bar, select "Shepard's BriefCheck." From there, you upload your brief, and Lexis does the rest, providing you with a report on the status of all your citations.