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Showing posts from April, 2018

CBA Summer Associate Legal Research Seminar on June 1

If you are a law student working in Columbus this summer, be sure to ask your employer about attending the Summer Associate Legal Research Seminar, presented by the Legal Research and Information Resources Committee of the Columbus Bar Association. Topics covered will include Ohio legislative history, Ohio citation and court rules, and use of secondary sources. The seminar also includes a legal writing refresher as well as panels of attorneys offering advice on how to get the most out of your summer experience. The seminar will be on Friday June 1, from 8:30am to 2:30pm, at the Columbus Bar Association . Presenters will include the Moritz Law Library’s Assistant Dean Sara Sampson and Assistant Director for Public Services Matt Cooper. Although there is no cost for the seminar, registration is required by May 24. Invitations will go out to firms and government entities within the next few weeks, but feel free to encourage your employers to contact Paul Gatz at (614) 292-8685 or gatz

Decompress on Campus

It’s glaringly obvious that exams are around the corner. You likely know about the law library tools to help you succeed, like study aids (online and in print) and an exam archive . In addition to these classic resources, here are some other tools for tackling exams. If you need a place to unwind to escape all the exam chatter, the Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room is open across the street at the Ohio Union. A brief walk can also help you clear your head, and now you have a destination: the brand new 18th Avenue Library Wellness Room . (But wait! Isn’t that all the way across campus? No. It’s an 8–10-minute walk of about half a mile.) Take a minute to look at the Mindful Law Student blog or grab Mindfulness and Professional Responsibility or Mindfulness for Law Students from the library. We have a number of other books on law student wellness you might consider. Finally, if your feelings seem beyond the ordinary stresses of law school, here is a list of people and places to