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Coping with Water Damage in the Law Library

On the morning of Thursday, September 14, members of the Moritz Law Library staff came into work to discover exploded ceiling tiles and wet carpet on the third floor of the law library. The librarians, library staff, and staff from other departments in the Moritz College of Law sprang into action to identify and remove books in danger of being damaged by the water leaking from the roof.

Now and until the new roof has been tested, a small but significant portion of the law library’s physical collection will remain under plastic. Books on the third floor with call numbers between KF300 and KF3600 will be listed as “Not Available” in the library catalog. If you need a book from that part of the collection, please ask at the circulation desk.

Access to the physical collection is central to the law library’s mission. The Moritz Law Library holds the largest law library collection in the state of Ohio and one of the largest in the country, and the books in our collection are used by scholars, students, and lawyers from across the university, the state, and the country. In the 2016-17 year, 36,298 books from the law library’s collection were checked out, with 2,742 loaned to other libraries in Ohio and 1,921 loaned to libraries outside of Ohio.

The members of the Law Library administration and staff appreciate the patience and understanding of our patrons during this time, and we hope to see unrestricted access to the materials and space on the third floor restored in the very near future.